Sean Watson Graham

I had the pleasure of working yesterday for Sam Arion and Sean Watson Graham. I always love me some session and studio work, and as I transition away from heavy touring for the foreseeable future, this and teaching will be a big focus of mine. Onto the songwriter for yesterday though.

Sean has been a busy song writer for about a decade playing in other bands along the way. I was sent seven songs to take in and learn. The tunes are of the folk/pop/rock kind of spectrum - a style that feels right at home for me.

Can’t wait for a diverse spring and summer ahead with newer artists, lots of recording and my own tunes finding their way out into the world :)!.
Stay tuned!!

Solo Songs Slowly Sowing Away!

I’m three recording days into my first solo EP with by buddy Simon helping as an engineer, co-producer! I’ve been writing music in collaborative manors for 20 years now, and in a solo capacity for over 10 years, BUT I’ve never released anything under my own name or moniker UNTIL NOW!!! A couple more days for the rest of guitars, keys and auxiliaries and then I’ll be moving onto the big ol’ vocals!

If everything goes as planned there should be a release coming late May with a video in tow! Stay tuned beauties!

Jeremie Albino - Massey Hall

An honour and a great moment in my life.

Massey Hall is one of Canada’s most iconic venues. It is regarded as the countries top theatre for acoustics and as one of the most intimate venues to see some of the worlds top artist. To play on this stage, as storied as it is, is brilliant. To get to do it with Jeremie Albino and all my Rosehall Band brothers, was perfection.

Two shows, back to back, supporting the iconic Orville Peck in front of a sold out, inclusive and welcoming crowd, making these shows feel like we were the headliners. I can comfortably say that this may have been the best show of my life for so many reasons.

Grateful and blessed.


Right before the pandemic started, I was hoping to expand my teaching practice and bring on more students, and with recent public health guidelines easing a bit I’ve been able to do so again!

I’m incredibly excited to be bringing on some new students and building my own teaching profile. Drums were a huge saving grace for me as a youngin’ - it gave me something to focus on and enjoy when school wasn’t cutting it - and it gave me an identity all my own. Throw in a healthy dose of musical knowledge as well as coordination and it was a match made in heaven!

If you know anybody who is looking for lessons please reach out and let’s see what we can come up with!

Shows?! Touring?!! LIVE MUSIC!!!?!!!!

That’s right folks! I’ve been playing live shows again, and some of them have been south of the Canadian border!! It’s been such a complete joy to play with Jeremie Albino again alongside some of my favourite people.

Over the last month we played a show at a Drive-In for TIFF as well as at the Telluride Brews and Blues festival in Colorado.

It felt so good to be playing live shows for real live people again. It’s something that brings me so much joy. I have to say though, that with the pandemic things have changed. It definitely took me a moment to get comfortable with the whole “on the road” thing again. At least this is the benefit of these early runs of shows being short. A re-conditioning if you will.

February Fabulous Frumming!

Another little ditty from the practice space this week. Slowly upgrading the audio, and soon to upgrade the video quality. Also learning bit by bit by bit what people actually want to see! Don’t be shy to reach out and let me know what is looking good, or what you’d like to see!



Happy New Year everybody! I’ve started taking advantage of my practice space a little bit more these days which has lead me to create a little bit more content AND ultimately play behind the kit a little more regularly.

If this pandemic has made anything difficult (especially for those of us with kids) it’s finding time for the things we love (especially loud drums when you live in an apartment). I have really missed performing a tonne but getting up to the space and making a bunch of noise has felt so so so good!

Here’s a silly little clip of me playing a rockus beat!


Well here we are. Almost exactly nine months since the start of this pandemic and things have gotten oddly normal.

As one may assume, my busy year to be has switched into a different busy year in itself. Having a now two and a half old at home has kept me very busy with all the child rearing and such.

Music has unfortunately become a lower priority as we(my family) figure a way to get through this global change. BUT that being said I have still been able to be a part of some releases over the last little while!

First up is this beauty new video by ROLEMODEL. This is a project that used to be super busy playing some great shows in Toronto, but has now moved back into its original state of bedroom “noise” project by the uber talented and dear friend Jordan Allen. The video gives some beautiful haunting visuals for a song with the same descriptors.

This song by the incredible JEREMIE ALBINO also came out over the last couple weeks. Recorded back in 2018 and keenly waiting its release, this tune “Saw That Light” is easily one of my favourite tunes to play live. It’s a train that keeps on chugging along from start to finish, and a great tune to get the crowd movin’!

As this new normal sinks in, make sure to check out these tunes and stay tuned for more news and such over the next little while.

Stay safe and love big!

Geooooorgia! Geeooooooorgia!! - Trouble Live Video

Last week we rounded out our Spring shows with a quick jump down to Savannah for Savannah Stop-Over. It’s a lovely showcase festival for bands finding their way down to SXSW. Unfortunately while we were there, we received word of some interesting times.

SXSW is cancelled and the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic has become a thing of reality. This spring we had and have some big plans, but sometimes things get a little bit more serious and real. A pandemic, a natural disaster, tragedies - can make your life change in the blink of an eye. My heart goes to those who are dealing with COVID in a very real way, and I know the reality is that it will affect most of us by the time this is over. Everybody take it easy, wash your hands, eat well, love those you love and be responsible to yourself and all those around you.

While the world slows for a bit, and people take care, some things still get to move. Today Jeremie Albino put out a live performance video with yours truly in it(hidden in the back left)! Give this beauty a watch and don’t forgot to subscribe to Jer’s YouTube if ya like what you hear!

February Is Over!

Well the ten Jeremie Albino February headlining shows have come to an end. To say they were a success would be a massive understatement. Playing shows with this band has me feeling oh so good. It’s a project that we’ve worked at for almost three years now, and on Saturday lead us to an incredible hometown reception of 450 people at the Horseshoe Tavern.

I’ve played many many shows at “the Shoe” over the years, but never any like this; never sold out past capacity as a headliner. It was a moment for us to relish and celebrate in. Crispin Day the bands manager (and a dear friend) and Jeremie himself need to be beyond proud. I know I am, and I know the rest of the Rosehall guys are too!

Next up is a quick flight in and out of Georgia, USA to play at the Savannah Stopover festival, supporting Shovels and Rope. Let’s keep it rolling, cause a week after that we’ll be venturing down to Texas for SXSW for a week!


Below is a picture from Saturday, thanks @Dorta Photography for the shot!

@Dorta Photography - Horseshoe Feb 2020

Week Three Has Come and Gone!

What an absolutely incredible week! I’m loving being able to play these shows, be home for the family through the week, and still teach my students. We’ve got some amazing shows coming up this week, the big one being a SOLD OUT Horseshoe show one Saturday! Get your bootleg tickets and come see the beauty of Jeremie Albino. But now let’s reflect on the past week.

Headlining shows in Waterloo, Hamilton and St. Catherines; had us feeling sooooo good! All three towns brought it, and all three crowds were beauts! This has me so excited for the next headlining tour through Ontario!

Here’s a lovely little picture of me from Hamilton! Thanks for the shot: @highfieldimages


Week Two Is Wrapped!

Had an incredible three shows this week.

Night #1 was The Historic Red Dog in Peterborough. Had a decent turn out for a frigid winter night. Over the years I have played at the Red Dog numerous times, and it’s always nice to see Peterborough again!

Night #2 was at the Neat Café in Burnstown. We played to a sold out crowd of true music goers; attentive, engaged, involved at the right time and just a little bit of heckling. Can’t wait to play in Burnstown again ASAP.

Night #3 was at The Regent Theatre in Picton. A beautiful old movie theatre that they convert into a proper live venue. We had a great turn out for Jeremie’s homecoming and we rocked our socks off! We even added some decorations for this one, as seen below!




Two Shows In, Nine To Go!

Touring has begun! For this month I’ll be doing weekend swings around Ontario. These shows are all with the lovely Jeremie Albino. I absolutely love this project. Backing Jeremie and his raw, honest energy has been so inspiring and so positive. I always have an incredible time performing these songs and sharing the stage with all my mates in The Rosehall Band as well.

Here’s a picture from the first show Friday night in Ottawa at Club Saw. Thanks to the Ottawa icon Ming Wu for the shot! xo

JeremieAlbino-Ming Wu.jpg

Prepping for Some Touring!

February Is the beginning of some winter and spring touring with Jeremie. He’s been busy the last couple months doing some solo dates and it’s time to bring the band back on the road! This month we’ll be hitting up some of Ontario’s finest towns, as well as the beautiful Montréal. Eleven total shows this month, at least a handful more over the next two months and then off to Europe in May! Gonna be a fun next four months!

Screen Shot 2020-02-02 at 1.27.04 PM.png

See you all on
Friday Ottawa!
Tickets available HERE.

Things A Cookin’!

In the last year I have gotten to do some incredible things musically, and life has also taken over in a huge way.

I have been so lucky to write and record with this ever so talented fella. Last year we recorded his first LP at the Bomb Shelter in Nashville and then did some redo’s at Union Sound in Toronto.

Jeremie has wowed me and inspired me since day one of seeing him play live solo. I feel so blessed to be part of this project and can’t wait for the busy years to come of seeing it all grow and grow and grow. Check out his Spotify linked above, or watch this wicked video of Hard Time.


Jeremie has been occupying say 90% of my musical endeavours these days, but I did have the wicked opportunity to play for Mr. Ben Caplan back in March and April this year. Playing a headlining tour with Ben was humbling and extremely enjoyable. Playing to soft seater venues most nights and sharing the stage with some incredible musicians was a thing of sure beauty. The style of music is somewhere between folk/klezmer/jazz and rock. Playing in these genres had me revisiting some old fundamentals and ultimately playing a tonne more rudimentary snare drum music then I, guilty as charged, have been. Here’s a video of Ben’s charismatic and animated performing style.


That’s right! Before all of these things happened over the last year, my partner and I gave birth to a beautiful little human creature. Raising a baby as a musician is a challenge but a thing of hard work and boundless reward. I am planning on writing more about musicians parenthood. I find the resources that are available for music playing parents is limited at best.

Chat soon dear friends!

Feb 1st-3rd

The Love Machines first show in 4 years!

The Love Machines first show in 4 years!


Well I just experienced one of the most exhausting, important and profound moments in my drumming career.

The Balconies, a group I've been playing with for over three years have called it quits. If you scroll down far enough you'll see some of my first posts from when I first started playing with them. It has been an incredible ride, with tours, tonnes of shows and more so than anything, relationships built with some of the most talented musicians I have ever met. Both Jacquie and Liam are beyond talented, professional and incredible performers. I can't wait to see what they both do next, and maybe/hopefully I'll get to be a part of some of it!

So getting back to the story here... Last week Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the Balconies played their last shows. For me there was the added challenge of my old Ottawa band, The Love Machine, opening both of the Ottawa dates (Feb 2nd and 3rd). Two and a half hours of playing each night was the challenge, and boy oh boy was it that. I've had 10 hour, even 12 hour days of drumming in the studio, or practicing or what ever it may be, but performing live is a whole other level of energy and exhaustion. It all went brilliantly and went down as one of the most memorable weeks of my life,  mostly thanks to the plethora of granola bars and water that got me through it!

Jacquie and Liam, and the whole Balconies experience is going to be very missed. I loved it deeply but know that it will turn into more incredible opportunities for everybody. 

Next up is lots of Jeremie Albino demoing, and Bond Girls' new material. A couple of sessions splashed in there, and some fantastic life moments, and it's looking like 2018 is going to be an incredible year!


Fall - Busy Busy Busy

It's been a weird and busy fall. Lots of random shows coming and going but lots of playing none the less! Some cover gigs (a first), and a couple one off shows with new bands has had me on my toes!

Last week I played three consecutive nights with Marlon Chaplin as part of IndieWeek. The shows went great and their style of quirky rock was a real blast to play.

A month prior I was doing my second wedding gig in 3 months with Sexy Band. It's been a lot of fun playing cover gigs; having to learn 45 songs for a gig, play different styles and sing lead vocals for more than a moment. 

The rest of the year is going to be pretty mellow with writing and a couple shows with Bond Girls and a lot of writing with Jeremie Albino. 2018 is looking to be a LOT of recording and maybe some shows here and there!

Can't wait!.

April and Onward!

Well it's been a couple months since my last post, but I'm still busy as ever with life and music! I'm mostly only playing in two bands at the moment; Bond Girls and The Balconies. These two bands, who I've spoken about many times before, provide me with a great mix of playing. I would still love to get some more funk, jazz or Latin in my life, but so it goes!! Here's a brief update on all things coming up and recently passed!

Bond Girls just released this little ditty back at the start of March and did a string of shows to support it's Cassette release. We coupled up with Neon Wave to put out a proper SPLIT and are really thrilled with how it turned out. Listen to our songs above, and make sure to check out Neon Waves as well!

Bond Girls will be playing 7 shows throughout May, spreading our sweaty riff rock all around Ontario and Quebec.

The Balconies have been pretty casual the last couple months since returning home from our fall tour out in western Canada. The tour was a great success and has us ready to hit the road again the second the time comes. We're playing a show May 20th at the Blacksheep Inn in Wakefield, Quebec.