Fall - Busy Busy Busy

It's been a weird and busy fall. Lots of random shows coming and going but lots of playing none the less! Some cover gigs (a first), and a couple one off shows with new bands has had me on my toes!

Last week I played three consecutive nights with Marlon Chaplin as part of IndieWeek. The shows went great and their style of quirky rock was a real blast to play.

A month prior I was doing my second wedding gig in 3 months with Sexy Band. It's been a lot of fun playing cover gigs; having to learn 45 songs for a gig, play different styles and sing lead vocals for more than a moment. 

The rest of the year is going to be pretty mellow with writing and a couple shows with Bond Girls and a lot of writing with Jeremie Albino. 2018 is looking to be a LOT of recording and maybe some shows here and there!

Can't wait!.