Last night was AWESOME! Bring on Saturday!

Last night RLMDL got to play at The Phoenix w/ Big Data and Brave Shores. It was a fantastic show at a fantastic venue, a nice little x-mas present in a way I suppose! This band has really been a blast to play for and it's a unique challenge in its own way. I have to play solid and robotic but still have those elements of a human playing drums. Here's a little pic of soundcheck at The Phoenix!!

Next up is a show this Saturday with Sue Newberry & The Law at The Junction Music Hall. It's gonna be fun to play a show with this band again as it has been about 6 months since our last! 

We were in the studio last month recording the new album so we will be displaying a lot of those tunes!! Come on out and have a lovely ol' time. It's 5$ and in the lovely Junction area in west Toronto!
