The Winter Approaches!

I've been spending the last 2 months busy on a couple recording projects and playing shows with 3 different bands. I've been playing a lot of drums these days and it has kept me busy and happy.

Last night I played a show with ROLEMODEL and it'll be my second last show before the new year. Over the next couple months I plan on honing my craft and writing a tonne of music.

Once 2016 arrives I will become a very busy bee again. BOND GIRLS will be releasing our first full length album. I don't think I've been apart of any project that I have felt this pumped about. It's been a year in the making and it's finally done, soon the sweet riff heavy rock will grace your ears. All of the other projects I am involved with, in some capacity, will be releasing or preparing to release something in 2016. It proves to be a busy year, but I can't wait to keep drumming and living this life the way I've always wanted to!

in the meanwhile, here's some older BOND GIRLS demos for your ears!!